Hydra Vs Bat

Hydra and Bat are constantly picking on one another as the two highest-ranking members of the Sorceress' garden (Next to the Sorceress herself), they both fight for the most attention and power. Hydra by being dangerous and magical, Bat by being mean and nasty. The Sorceress puts up with all of this because she finds it immensely entertaining (even tho its often up to her to undo what they have done to each other). Here are a few of the many times the two have butted heads.

By Lurking Tentacle

By Lurking Tentacle
By Sebastian Rubbermage

Silky Treasure
By Lurking Tentacle

Going to the Dogs
By Lurking Tentacle

Double Whammy
By Lurking Tentacle

Blind as a ...
By Lurking Tentacle

Bat on Bat
By Lurking Tentacle

Go Fly A Bat

Give Me Something Good To Eat
By Regal

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