Even the Sorceress likes toys.
This girl had a bad habit of dipping into the Sorceress personal wine supply.
This maid took too many smoke breaks in the Maids' lounge, now she spends all of her time there.
This assasin tried to put a knife in the Sorceress' back. That's never a good idea.
The Sorceress once had a know it all living in the Mansion, always quoting books and the like. The Sorceress was so impressed by this that she made sure that she would help her with all of her research.
A victim of Half this girl stumbled upon her as she was reading one of the Sorceress' books. To keep her quiet Half added her to the Sorceress' collection of art objects.
Satyrs never learn.
A gift to the Sorceress from a nearby farm
A medusa wandered into the Garden and tried to take over, the Sorceress didn't like that and gave her a taste of her own medicine.
These two guard the entrance to the gardens Maze. People who enter it rarely come out the same. That is if they come out.