Objects of Desire

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This unfortunate made the mistake of not "entertaining" the Sorceress enough in the bath.
The Sorceress needed a place for some flowers, and this girl just happened to be around.
This young lady dared to give herself pleasure instead of giving it to the Sorceress. She was caught as you see her on the brink climax. Now she sits in the corner silently begging to find release. Her fingers forever just too far away to touch herself one last time and finish what she so arrogantly started.
Whenever the Sorceress wants extra light in her library she lowers this crystal beauty. A simple pull on her string and she starts to glow, and as you touch her or caress her most intimate spots she glows brighter and brighter. The Sorceress likes to get her to the height of arousal, but no further. That's the best light to read by.
Just another statue to decorate the house with.
A sneaze at the worst time caused this poor thing to get caught just as she was about to excape from the Garden.
The Sorceress got rather irritated by the fact that this girl would spend hours brushing her own hair. Now she only brushes the Sorceress' hair.
Its not a good idea to be caught sitting down on the job around the Sorceress.
This young lady asked the Sorceress if she would change her into a centaur, because she really liked them. So the Sorceress did. Once in a while the Sorceress does something nice for a person. This wasn't one of those times.
While doing some work around the Sorceress' house this girl made the mistake of complaining that the room was too dark, while within earshot of the Sorceress.

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