Pets of the Sorceress

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Some thing New
This Satyr was running from the Sorceress as she cast a spell at her. She almost got away unchanged, almost.
This Satyr din't get away.
The Sorceress has started up a new pond in her garden. It won't be long before this gal has some slippery friends.

Once the Sorceress heard this young lady's accent there was really only one thing she could turn her into.
Another addition to the Sorceress' pond, this girl however seems to enjoy her new form.
This Botanist wandered into the Sorceress' Garden looking for a very rare type of mushroom. She didn't expect to wind up as one.

Rare Specimens
Rare Specimens Indeed

Um, well, sometimes the Sorceress gets rather creative.
Bitch woke up to find herself enjoying her new life, at least some of her was.
Here is the Sorceress' familiar enjoying one of her favorite perches.
And here's the Sorceress' Head of Security with yet another trespasser. Wonder what she'll wind up as. Hydra and Bat often try to one up each other trying to become the Top "dog" in the Sorceress' eye.

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