Pets of the Sorceress

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The police should stop sending their people over to the Sorceress' place to investigate missing persons. They lose more officers like that, as this guy is just finding out.
While transforming this poor thing the Sorceress sneezed and got distracted, and this it what happened. The Sorceress thought that this was so funny that she left her like this.
Purple Naga
You can never have too many nagas.
Nor can you have too many cat girls.
Mira isn't a pet, or an object, at least not yet. She's an assistant for a local Wizard who's got enough sense not to annoy The Sorceress. Sadly Mira doesn't. So far she hasn't been caught, (there are too many other satyrs around) but if she keeps up her visits she may wind up staying for good.
Speaking of other magic users. This one made the mistake of trying to move in on the Sorceress' Territory. This spell slinger even had the Gall to bring along an apprentice. Well they both had a surprise when they finally woke up. And they'll be even more surprised when they find out that the change is permanent.
Two Tone
Some times the Sorceress only changes her victims a little bit, but then again she can always go back and do more.
This Gal was acting too stuborn around the Sorceress.
Another addition to the Sorceress' Dairy.
This was a member of the Sorceress' Milking staff, after she spilled one too many buckets the Sorceress felt that she should make up the difference.

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