Pets of the Sorceress

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These two guys are begining to realize that the Sorceress likes her victims to have curves, and she doesn't mind if they start that way or not.
After she changed Pony into a toy the Sorceress decided that she needed another mount.
Another addition to the Sorceress' barn.
Hydra will sometimes add new bodies to herself. The Victim of a merging will shortly start to act and think just like Hydra soon losing all sense of themselves. Hydra likes to play with them but will normally release them sooner or later to change them into something else. Their mind will return to normal when the merging is over, tho they may have strange emotions toward the two-headed snake woman from then on. Not that it does them much good.
Sex Squid
Its never good to get caught by the Sorceress when she's feeling creative.
At one point one of the Sorceress' victims actually tried to sue her. This is the Woman that represented that victim. She's now either a Vulture or a real Legal Eagle. And you really don't want to see what happened to the plaintiff.
Thieves sometimes come to the Sorceress' house to steal some of her many valuables. These three were caught trying to do just that. Now they act as the Sorceress' new watchdog. The one eyed leader of the gang was especially upset when he saw the change.
Even the Sorceress likes to have something warm sitting in her lap on occasion. Not to mention that every Sorceress needs a black cat.
Just another way for the Sorceress to keep her bed warm.
The Sorceress felt that all of her "Cats" needed some thing to play with.

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