Through New Eyes

Chapter 2

He looked down at his chest and saw it swell. His nipples grew on top of the mounds forming on his front. Two more breasts sprouted below them, and then two more. He could feel breasts growing all over his body. From his back, his legs, his head, his hands… They grew over his eyes and his mouth till he could no longer see or breathe…

“Hey tits, wake up!”

Shan woke up wit ha start. As he sat up his new endowments wobbled on his chest forcing him to remember what had happened. He ran his new three fingered hands over his feminine curves briefly before he remembered that some one was looking at him.

“Play with your self later slave. You got work to do.” The speaker was one of the bird women that had captured and changed Shan. The pirate reached beyond Shan’s vision out side of his small cell and the tendon like bars slacked and slid out of the way.

“Ok, move it tail ass!”

Shan carefully stood on his new hoofed legs for the first time, they were unsteady but worked. His breasts were and un familiar weight on his front but were counter balanced by his new tail and wider rump. He took a few test steps feeling like he was walking on tiptoe stilts, which in many ways he was. His legs were no longer than before but they bent in strange ways. His heel was high up on his leg and his calves and hips had been altered accommodate them. Just as he had almost managed to balance on his new hoofs the pirate grabbed his arm and yanked him out of the cell. Wonder failed him and instinct took over forcing him move, his legs worked but wouldn’t impress anyone over a year old.

“Come on, walking aint that hard.” Bitched the feathered woman behind him prodding him with a sharp blade shaped gun. “ I don’t have all day.”

Shan stumbled down the corridor often using the bonelike walls to help walk. All the new sensations his mind was receiving from his new body make him aroused despite himself. Suddenly the strong fingers of his minder grabbed his tail and painfully pulled him to a stop in front of a branch in the corridor.

“Down there, Enjoy the stink.” The captor turned to walk off.

“What’s down...” Shan couldn’t finish the question, his voice was all wrong, it sounded like his sister’s. Even with his body changed like it was he had somehow still expected his voice to be his own.

“Your new owners! They want to break a few of you in. Have fun!” and with that she walked off.

Shan looked down the dark hall and slowly crept down it. He heard the sound of deep voiced talking and cups being knocked together. The short hall turned and widened into a large room, and suddenly in front of him was the biggest penis he had ever seen.

“Were tha hell is… ah there you is.” Said a voice above the giant cock.

Shan tore his eyes off the member and looked up at its owner. He was a giant himself, broad shouldered hairy with two huge horns coming out of the sides of his head. Shan quickly recognized him as one of the monsters that had helped capture him and the others.

“We’re gettin thirsty. Hop to it!” Rumbled the beast.

“What?” Squeaked Shan’s sister from his mouth.

The monster stepped back and pointed to a table with 3 more of his kind sitting at it. “Fill our cups.” He then pointed to an immense wooden keg mounted to the wall off to the side. “Figures, the Herapi always give us the dumb ones for Ios.”

Shan walked over to the table and gathered up the pitcher sized cups. With his arms full he then shuffled over to the keg. He twisted the tap and watched as a dark and creamy fluid pored out and filled the glasses. Finding the glasses much heavier he had to carry them back to the table one at a time. He touched the tap with his finger tip and tasted the liquid. It was creamy with a subtle taste of oats and alcohol.

With each trip he now had time to look at the four creatures sitting around the table. The first three where male, but the fourth was clearly female with four large and firm breasts, like Shan himself. Her only clothing was a small unbuttoned vest, a belt with a gun holster, and with a patch over one eye. None of the four wore much clothing. The male Shan had see first wore none at all while the other two guys wore loose pants.

Shan set a cup down next to the female, her eyebrows were lowered and she was glaring at a hand of cards.

“I raise you three, Grigno.”

The nude male picked up his cup and took a swig from it. “You’re on, Trid.” He slapped his cards down on the table. “I call!”

Trid, looked down at the cards with her one eye and grinned. She set her own cards down. “I have 3 rings, I win.”

Grigno got up and stomped off, “Krendo, deal me out! I give up.”

The big woman scooped the pile of thin metal rectangles to herself. “Don’t go away mad!” She leaned back, took a drink out of her cup, and ran her fingers through her dark hair. As she moved her breasts wobbled sexily.

Shan caught himself staring at the friendly mounds of flesh. Trid looked down at him and smirked. “You’re new, what’s your name?”

“Look out Trid’s hitting on Ios again.” muttered one of the remaining males. “Has she had enough to drink for that?” snickered the other.

Trid glared at the two with her tail twitching. Her hand reached down and to unbutton her holster. The two males shut up.

Shan stepped back to get out of the line of fire. He felt a light hand touch his shoulder. He looked behind him to see another creature like himself, also female like himself. She motioned for him to follow her. Shan looked back to see the giant female flipping the table and slugging one of the males. Shan quickly followed the other Io out of the room.

They walked down a few short corridors to the sound of breaking furniture behind them.

They entered a small and cluttered room. Many blankets and rugs littered the floor. There was no other furniture.

“So, what were you before?”

Shan looked to the Io that had pulled him away from the fight. “What? Er, I was human.”

She shoved some debris out of one corner to make more room to sit. “So was I, were you a guy or a gal?”

“Uh, I was, um a… guy.” Shan sat down pulled his legs up and wrapped his tail around him to try and cover himself up.

The other Io sat down across from Shan. “Oh, that must be harder for you, but trust me, there are worse things to wind up as here. My name is Jellet.”

“I’m, Shan.” He looked her over. She would probably be cute if she didn’t look so worn out. Her eyes were sunken and didn’t focus often. One of her hoved feet often twitched, and her hair was unkempt. “I take it that you were a girl before?”

She stared at the wall for a while. “Yeah.”

“Um, so, what are they going to do with us?

“They won’t rape us. The Mynos don’t have sex with Ios.” Jellet looked at him. “Just do what they say and they won’t hurt us.” She rolled over and pulled a blanket up over her.

Shan watched her lying there. “How long have you been here?”

“Too long.” Soon she was asleep and Shan sat there in the dark.

Over the next few days Shan learned a lot about serving the Mynos. The four he first met were the commanders with Trid as the current leader, their old commander had gotten killed in a raid. There were over a dozen Mynotaers and as many Ios on the ship but the grunts stayed in other areas, and the Ios like Shan avoided them if possible. However the bells around their necks made it easy for the Mynos to find them. The Herapi stayed away from the Mynotaer areas.

Cooking the food for the Mynos was easy and the taste was surprisingly good. Then again Shan’s taste buds probably had changed. As long as he kept their glasses full and brought enough food they left him be.

As Shan moved through the ship going about his duties he saw what Jellet had meant by there being worse things to be changed into. All over the ship people had been twisted into new shapes. Female forms had been formed into furniture, wall fixtures, and slaves, all of them alive and aware. Smart captives were highly prized as computer systems or simply high status furniture. Shan once heard one of the bird women joking about every rich Herapi needs a chair that’s smarter than them, and that was easier for some than others.

Shan found out that aside from the Mynos every thing on the ship was female. Apparently the bioconstructs like the one that changed him could only make females. Feeding slaves were long human slug like creatures with dozens of breasts, used to feed most of the slaves. Shan even found the source of the cream in the Myno’s drink, an Io hanging from the ceiling over large tubs with several massive breasts and no limbs. Shan had to milk her a few times.

The Mynos and Ios didn’t survive well away from their home world. The suffered some form of deficiency and sickened. Something from their home world supplied them with a nutrient that they needed just like old time sailors needed Vitamin C or they would get scurvy. Some Myno or Io discovered though that drinking their own milk gave cured the ailment. So Io milk became required fair on long space trips. Some Ios have been modified to supply enough milk for the whole crew.

Milking the hanging Io was always strange for Shan, she never spoke, she simply moaned in apparent pleasure as his hands tugged at her teats. Times like that made Shan very happy to only be a normal female Io.

One day Shan found a mirror and finally saw his new face for the first time. The face that looked back as him was his sister’s only with long cow ears, short horns and a dark splotch over her pale face. Shan touched her face and felt the familiar contours for the first time. Shan walked away from the reflection his mind reeling.

That night Shan found a quiet alcove tucked away from prying eyes. He touched himself, and explored every inch. Experimented with what felt good and what felt wrong. He probed, squeezed, and stroked. He fell asleep there and dreamed.

She watched as the man stood there before her. He looked familiar but she couldn’t place his face. He slowly turned from her and began to walk off. She walked after him and saw the flames start at his feet. She rushed through thick slow air as the fire spread. Soon his entire figure was engulfed. She reached for him but something held onto her tail. The flames ate away at the man, flesh became ashes and bones crumbled to hot coals. She knelt down and ran her thick fingers through the ashes to find the man, but he was no longer there. The wind blew away the ash and she was alone.

Shan woke up and looked around, it was still early, and the Mynos would sleep in. She looked down at herself, and knew that the body she wore wasn’t borrowed, it was her’s. She curled up and tried to get a few more hours of sleep in before the Mynos woke up.

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