Medieza and Nagha Relations

In the Galactic arm there are many cultures that employ slavery as integral parts of their cultures. So it’s easy to look at the Medieza and group them in with such people. However the relationship between Medieza and Naghas is much more subtle than that.

A perfect example of this is what happened several years ago when the underground anti-slavery group, Freedom For All (FFA), snuck into Medieza space and “Freed” several dozen Nagha. As they were transporting them away from the Mediezan world the Nagha attacked their captors, locked them up, and called for help. Later the freedom fighters, now changed into Nagha themselves, discovered that the Nagha do not see themselves as slaves, and felt that they were being kidnapped by this group.

All Nagha have rights and freedoms, thought never as many as their Mediezan counterparts. They may not vote, nor are they allowed out of their assigned homes with out permission after certain hours. But they may own property, and have legal recourse for wrongs committed against them, provided that they have a Medieza as witness to these wrongs.

Naghas tend to be assigned to one of two types of job. Either they are assigned to Mediezan family groups and often pass their position down to their Nagha children. Or they are assigned to Mediezan Federal service. These Nagha serve in low level government jobs. Postal employees, state child care, companions for soldiers (Not to be confused with prostitutes!), or even janitors and cleaning crews.

In the Medieza culture there are 2 types of Nagha, the Pure, and the Bitten. The Bitten are Nagha that were originally something else. Either minor criminals, or captured combatants. These Nagha are often not liked nor trusted by other Medieza and are more often than not assigned to federal service. Pure Nagha were born as Nagha and are liked and more over trusted in Medieza society. They are mostly found in Medieza family groups, caring for children, teaching schools, cooking and cleaning, and performing most of the house work. The Medieza like to keep the bitten away from pure Naghas to prevent unwanted influence, though in truth the two seldom mix as both see each others attitudes as odd and alien. Pure Nagha are very happy in their lives, they have jobs and are cared for by the Medieza. The Bitten are much less happy but adjust surprisingly quickly.

All Nagha are an artificial race, created by the Medieza. (A little known fact: most Medieza do not carry the nanites for making new Nagha. Only licensed Medieza may carry those). But the Medieza don’t perform open brain washing on them. All Nagha both pure and bitten lack many of the glands that produce hormones that tie in with aggression. Even the most willful prisoner will calm down soon after being bitten. In addition they were originally designed with other small glands to produce happy docile moods. This is used in conjunction with Mediezan daytime TV. Mid morning entertainment on most Mediezan channels involves cooking and home decoration shows, as well as drama programs aimed at Nagha. Most Medieza can’t understand how the Nagha can watch this drivel but all Nagha like the shows. The reason for this and a fact that few Nagha or even Medieza know is that Low level sub harmonics are played in the background of shows aimed at Nagha viewers. These sound waves trigger the passive glands and make the Nagha happy and peaceful. Medieza police carry similar but far more powerful devices for use whenever they must deal with Naghas.

Many human historians have likened this relationship to that of cultures in the past and present. The important thing to keep in mind is that the Nagha and Medieza are not separate species, but in a strange technological way they are simply different sexes. All Medieza regardless of gender must be considered male, and all Nagha as female. This makes more sense in that any Medieza no mater their sex can impregnate a Nagha, biting into them during love making and using nanites to transfer DNA into the soon to be mother. The Nagha accept this and even help perpetuate this just as millions of human women both in the past and present help maintain their place in cultures where they are little more than slaves without thinking it’s wrong in any sense. Naghas for all intents and purposes are the wives of their family, or federal units. And even the forced “Feminization” the Medieza perform on criminals is not unheard of in many human cultures From chemical castration to full genetic reprogramming, making criminals into more passive and productive members of society is practiced all over.

It is because of these reasons that no Medieza and few Nagha think of themselves as a slaving race.

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