La Dorado

A few centuries ago human colonists first discovered La Dorado. This planet on the edge of the galactic arm had a perfect atmosphere, the right temperature, the correct gravity, and the proper pressure. Plus it had no native life, in short it was perfect! The colonists landed, seeded the land and seas and soon had a thriving new planet. It was then that they discovered that they were not the first to have lived there.

La Dorado had once been a home to the founders.

The colonists, while mining for minerals, first discovered the artifacts, items and technology eons old. Soon members of all the major races landed on the planet prospecting for riches from a long lost past. Even the most weathered and useless trinket could fetch an enormous amount of money on the open market. But every prospector looked for the ultimate bonanza, a Monolith.

Monoliths were created by the Founders as repositories for data. They are small black rectangular bricks. So far no known technology has been able to damage one in anyway. (Not even Panlings) when properly hooked up raw data millions of years old, and millions of years advanced can be down loaded. Unfortunately, or fortunately, the coding of the data is extremely complex. The K'N'Tara found one over a thousand years before and used it to create their Transformational technology. So far they have only decoded 17% of the Monolith's data. A Monolith's value is calculated not in money but in multiples of planets. So far only small pieces of ones have been located. No one can imagine what it took to shatter an unbreakable substance. Even these small flakes can go for millions of credits.

The influx of both prospectors and money onto La Dorado made their economy soar. Few outside governments were interested in this out of the way planet so it has remained relatively free from the threat of invasion. This has created the closest thing to a melting pot that the galactic arm has yet seen. All of the major races are represented on the planet, and several of the more rare ones.

With this variety of cultures the potential for unrest and violence is always there. Strict laws have been laid down to keep all weapons off the planet. However, these are not enforced in any way. Nor are dozens of other laws that are on the books. As long as the politicians and planetary cops get their cut anything goes! So visitors to this planet are encouraged to be very careful.

Due to this very laissez-faire way of government many notable personalities have moved into New Port, the capital city of La Dorado, including the Crime Lord, Boss Rez the Myrrae, and Julius Dreggs the well known artifact dealer. Axle Lee is also known to frequent the place.

All artwork is copyrighted by it's respective owners.

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