Herapi Society

The average person in the Galactic arm knows nothing about Herapi society aside from the fact that they are all a bunch of blood thirsty pirates. However, a thorough if quiet study has been made of their politics, biology, and religion by many governments hoping to know more about this possible menace.

The majority of Herapi belong to one of five guilds that control all of Herapi life. The Corporate, Mercenary, Traders, Fleshsculpters, Mindbenders, and the Breeders comprise this list. The Corporate guild is the most powerful and controls most of Herapi life. They make the laws, collect taxes, and keep life profitable for the majority of the species. The Mercenary guild are the military arm of Herapi society. Paid mostly though the Corporate guild, but on occasion by others, it’s their job to fight, loot, and take captives according to whatever contract that they have signed. These are the most feared Herapi.

The Traders are responsible for acquiring what the Mercenary guild can’t. They act both as explorers and sales persons finding the best deals and locating the most profitable worlds (And noting them down for the Mercenaries). They are big risk takers, a good trip could make them rich! A bad one could turn them into mushrooms.

The Fleshsculpters and the Mindbenders guild work closely together. The make and train the millions of slaves the Herapi use. The Fleshsculpters run the reclamation pits and make all the changes to any given captive to make them into slaves. They are masters of all biotech and with out them Herapi Society would not exist. The Mindbenders break the will of new slaves, and try to make them happy with their new lives. Sometimes this is done in the pits, making a slave much dumber than before, or afterwards through pleasure and pain stimulus. The techniques used one any given slave depend on their final use. A slave used for simple labor doesn’t need to be very smart, thought one hooked up to a ships main computer does! Some slaves get no programming. Who cares if a chair or foot stool are happy or not?

The Fleshsculpters have many bylaws that are strictly enforced. For instance no Herapi of lower rank may alter the work of her betters. This rule has been countermanded from time to time by a ships Captain, often at gunpoint, who needs a slave changed for some purpose. The change is made, the Captain is happy and the Guild member is later thrown into the pits herself for breaking the rule.

Also the Mindbenders also act as the priestesses for the Herapi’s main religion, the cult of Pleasure and Pain. The twin Gods of Pleasure and Pain watch over Herapi life and the lives of their slaves. Mother Pleasure rewards those that perform their jobs well and obey they’re masters. Mother Pain punishes those who misbehave or fail at tasks. The symbols for the two are a steel blade and a gold coin. The Mindbenders aren’t very forceful about conversion. as long as slaves do what they are told what they believe in is not very important.

Finally there is the Breeders Guild. They are the ones who were responsible for helping continue the Herapi race. They still are but to a much lesser degree. The Breeders are mostly male Herapi and offer stud services for pay. They held a tight monopoly on this for many centuries. Any male found to have given out “Free Samples” often lost his right to ever breed again. Two centuries ago the breeders went on strike again to get better rates. That’s when the Fleshsculpters made a bold move. They underbid the Breeders, offering cloning and child raising at half the price. Overnight the Breeders lost 90% of their business. The Fleshsculpters also removed the ability to make anything other than females using Biotech. Just as a car manufacturer would never want to make a car that could supply free copies of its self. This is also why all Herapi made slaves are female, and why Male Herapi are very scarce.

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